A collection of random stuff

This is a website with some services such as a chat (beta). There are also some miscellaneous utilities such as Base64 encoding and AES encryption (inside the tools section), and an advanced calculator with support for matrices, complex numbers, and hyperreals.

Some Additional Links

For Your Own Eyes Only The text on this page isn't visible in the source code and is obfuscated, but it is easily visible when rendered.
No Source This website has text but no source, somehow?? (Linked stylesheet in the headers)
RECTANGLES RECTANGLES (and triangles too)
Halloween Name Generator Spookifies your name
Old Site The original node-server. Accessible as subpage of this website at /old/. (Warning: The old site does use external sites for scripts and other things, and publicly counts each request to the server, viewable at viewshist.)
Second Old Site The successor to node-server, node-server-new. Accessible as subpage of this website at /old2/. (Warning: The old site links to external sites.)
Old GitHub Site The original statically hosted collection of pages. Accessible as subpage of this website at /oldg/. (Warning: The old site links to external sites.)

Some Info About Me

I am a programmer with a major interest in logic, math, and science. I create websites with HTML/CSS/JS and webservers with NodeJS. I also make mathematical and natural simulations using JavaScript and Python. Previously, I put two spaces after each sentence. However now I only put one space after each sentence.