For Your Own Eyes Only | The text on this page isn't visible in the source code and is obfuscated, but it is easily visible when rendered. |
No Source | This website has text but no source, somehow?? (Linked stylesheet in the headers) |
RECTANGLES | RECTANGLES (and triangles too) |
Halloween Name Generator | Spookifies your name |
Old Site | The original node-server. Accessible as subpage of this website at /old/. (Warning: The old site does use external sites for scripts and other things, and publicly counts each request to the server, viewable at viewshist.) |
Second Old Site | The successor to node-server, node-server-new. Accessible as subpage of this website at /old2/. (Warning: The old site links to external sites.) |
Old GitHub Site | The original statically hosted collection of pages. Accessible as subpage of this website at /oldg/. (Warning: The old site links to external sites.) |
I am a programmer with a major interest in logic, math, and science. I create websites with HTML/CSS/JS and webservers with NodeJS. I also make mathematical and natural simulations using JavaScript and Python. Previously, I put two spaces after each sentence. However now I only put one space after each sentence.